Photographer Rikard Laving
Photographer Rikard Laving


» CARAVAN  »info  »look inside book
» MENTAL/FEVER  »info  »look inside book
» STEEL/WORK/CITY  »info  »look inside book
» PERMANENT VACATION  »info  »look inside book
» ABSTRACT DIALOGUE  »info  »look inside book
» THE BROKEN LENS  »info  »look inside book
» TRANSCENDENCE  »info  »look inside book




B J Ö R N & R I K A R D,  R I K A R D & B J Ö R N

Who is Björn Bengtsson? Why did he take these pictures? At first I probably think that this is what the project is about, we must understand each other. Or that I should understand Björn. Through the pictures, I at least get an insight into the type of motifs he chooses, in which environments he moves. It feels quite open, many photos are taken in an urban environment. A grandmother holding a grandchild? Someone in a bathtub, is that his ex. or his new one? A mashed bird I think feels unpleasant. 

We regularly post pictures in a common place and are free to use the pictures in the common form, which is constantly changing. A bit tentative and kind at first. We call each other sometimes and have some text conversations. We have been working on the project for a while, have come a long way and it feels very rewarding to work with our common material. But more and more I feel that I have lost focus in the design, delete everything and start over. Björn does the same. We pull in different directions but without being rude to each other, I want this way and he wants that way. We have a conversation where we say it as it is, it doesn't work with a common form. It's like a dance where we don't quite have the same rhythm, we both try but can't find the way forward. 

That way, we still get to know each other a little better, through discussions and conversations. I like Björn, I like his pictures and think the working method we had was interesting. I also think our pictures work very well together in this publication, which now became two parts.